保持式电磁铁 Keep solenoid 产品特征:此款电磁铁自带永磁铁,未通电时,**杆保持释放状态,通电时**杆吸合,断电后,**杆保持为吸合状态,给相应的反向电压,**杆由吸合状态复位成释放状态,断电后,**杆保持释放状态。 Features Permanent magnet used for keep solenoid. When unpowered, plunger keeps in the release status; and when energized, the plunger pulls in, and then powered off, still in actuation. If given the corresponding reverse voltage, the top bar resets from pull-in to release status, and maintain in release status after outage. 应用范围 Application Area 汽车大灯,咖啡机,汽车充电桩等。 Automotive headlights, xenon headlights, coffee machine, trickle charge for vehicles etc. 推拉式电磁铁 Push-pull solenoid 产品特征:通电后动铁芯推出或拉回,推动负载,断电后动铁芯靠弹簧复位。 Feature: When energized, movable iron core is pushed out or pulled in, pushing the workpiece. After outage, the iron core is reset by spring. 圆管推拉式电磁铁: Round tube push-pull solenoid 应用范围:缝纫机、绣花机、键盘测试机、智能武器动作系统、游乐设备、各类自动化设备。 Application: *ing machines, embroidery machine, the keyboard test machine, intelligent weapons systems, amusement equipment and all kinds of automatic equipment. 框架推拉式电磁铁: Open Frame push-pull Solenoid 应用范围:自动投币机、ATM机、收银机、打印机、通道闸、智能电(磁)控锁等自动化仪器设备。 Application: Vending machine, ATM machine, cash registers, printers, access gate, toys, door locks, radios, safe lock, intelligent automatic equipment etc.. 旋转电磁铁 Rotary solenoids 产品特征:通电后,中间旋转轴旋转一定角度,断电后,通过涡卷弹簧复位。 Feature: when energized, intermediate shaft rotates in a certain angle, and after outage, it resets by scroll spring. 应用范围:智能分选设备、开关控制系统、武器外挂系统、*无人机等。 Application: intelligent sorting machine, on-off control system, weapons carrying system, military UAV etc. 吸盘电磁铁 Attraction solenoid 产品特征: Feature: 普通吸盘电磁铁:断电状态电磁铁无磁性,通电后产生磁力,断电磁力消失。 Common Attraction solenoid: in outage status, no magnetism; when energized, magnetism generates. 应用范围:机械手、打印机、消防门、制动刹车系统等。 Application: Manipulator, printer, fire doors, braking system etc. 保持吸盘电磁铁: 内置永磁铁,断电状态下靠永磁铁产生磁力,通电后线圈产生相反磁场抵消永磁铁磁力,然后磁力消失。(有节能作用) Holding attraction solenoid: Permanent magnet used; In outage, magnetism generates by permanent magnet; in energized status, the coil exerts opposite magnetic field to cancel the permanent magnetism. (Energy saving function) 应用范围:医疗设备、电磁门吸、机械手等。 Application: Medical facility, Electromagnetic door holder, manipulator etc. 注意:本款仅仅只需要放圆形和方形的吸盘电磁铁图片 电磁阀 Solenoid valve 产品特征:电磁阀分为常开和常闭型,介质为气体或液体。常闭型通断阀,通电后出气口排气(水),断电后,阀嘴封闭,停止排气(水);常开型通断阀动作相反。 Feature: two types--normally open and normally closed Medium is gas or liquid. The normally open type outlets exhausts (or water) in energized status, stopped in outage. The normally closed type acts on the contrary. 应用范围:医疗设备、家用电器、水(气)控制系统等。 Application: Medical facility, household appliances, water(gas) control system etc. 电磁线圈 electromagnet coil 产品特征:可订制各类参数。 Feature: OEM. 应用范围:各类电子产品. Application: all kinds of electronics.